2018 Börje Langefors prize for SCDI researcher Claire Ingram Bogusz

Claire Ingram Bogusz, SCDI researcher at the House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics, is awarded the 2018 Börje Langefors prize for her doctoral dissertation, “Crowds, Coins and Communities: Digital Entrepreneuring in Emerging Financial Infrastructures”.

​​​​​The prize is awarded annually by SISA: the Swedish Academy for Information Systems.Dr Ingram Bogusz’s dissertation “addresses themes of contemporary importance to the information systems field: digital platforms, entrepreneurship, innovation, and crowdfunding, with the help of very topical case studies (around Blockchain)… It demonstrates theoretical sophistication in a broad span of areas situated in economics and management without losing its information systems focus. The writing is lucid, concentrated and informative, always theoretically focussed and showed a number of clearly original contributions.”, according to the awarding committee.
You can read Claire’s thesis and found out more about the Börje Langefors prize by following the link here.