Livia Norström is a researcher at the Department of Applied IT at University of Gothenburg. She received her Ph.D. in Informatics with Specialization in Work Integrated Learning from School of Business and IT at University West, Trollhättan in 2019. Livia’s research focuses on digitalization of organizations and transformation of work in the public sector. She has a special interest in understanding the role of social media platforms and digital ecosystems for professional work and, organization of emerging technology such as blockchain in the public sector. Livia has published her research in major Information Systems conferences such as ECIS, HICSS and AMCIS and in public sector outlets such as The Electronic Journal of e-Government. She is working in close collaboration with municipalities in an international network through Gothenburg Blockchain Lab, scdi.se/initiatives/blab. She is active in AIS womens network and has been a member of the The Scandinavian Chapter of AIS (IRIS) board.