Johan Magnusson is Professor of Information Systems at the University of Gothenburg and director of SCDI Gothenburg. Johan’s research and teaching explores the intersection of governance and digital transformation in large organizations, primarily within the public sector.
Johan earned his PhD in Business Administration (Accounting) at Gothenburg University in 2012 following his Licentiate degree in Information Systems in 2005. He has held multiple management roles as Chair and Head of division, as well as founded and led research centers and start-ups.
Johan’s research concerns the balancing of efficiency and innovation in the governance of digital transformation. He works closely with primarily executives to offer insights into how governance can be designed to enhance digital capabilities in large organizations, both in his research as well as in graduate and executive education.
Johan’s research projects are typically applied and conducted as commissioned, clinical inquiries. His current focus on digital government is conducted as programmatic research, where over 30 projects are coordinated to increase the value and impact of the research.
Johan is highly active in the industrial community as board member and with recurring keynotes and media appearances intended to increase the utilization of research findings. He is principal investigator in the Digital Government research consortium, where the researchers work with research-based digital innovations in supporting the digital transformation of the public sector. He is also coordinator and research lead for the Urban Twin Transition Center.
Johan has received multiple awards and accolades such as the Jämtland/Härjedalen Culture Award, Microsoft Customer Excellence Award EMEA, SAP Lighthouse, Teacher of the year and The IT Faculty’s grand pedagogical prize. He was recently awarded with the Kjell Hultman scholarship for his contribution to the use of IT in Sweden, is listed as one of the top 50 influential people in tech in Sweden and the forth most powerful individual in public sector digital transformation.