Katrin Jonsson

Katrin Jonsson is an assistant professor at the Swedish Center for Digital Innovation and the department of Informatics at Umeå University. Her research focuses on how organizations innovate with IT. In co-operation with industrial companies she has explored how digitalized products affect work, organizing and create opportunities for innovative value creation processes.  She has received the AIS senior scholars award for best IS journal paper 2009, paper of the year award in Information & Organization and best paper award at the IRIS 27 conference.

Her research has been published in journals as Information & Organization, Information Systems Journal, International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological InnovationInternational Journal of Operation & Production Management, International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and ManagementJournal of Information Technology Research and Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems.

Katrin is part of the executive management group of ProcessIT Innovations and  the program director for the Master Programme in IT Management.